What Types of Clothes Are Dry Clean Only? | My Butler Service
Posted 01 Sep by

What Types of Clothes Are Dry Clean Only?

Clothes aren’t just for keeping you warm. With the introduction of the fashion industry, they became an expression of one’s personality. Dry cleaning is the safest way to protect your favourite garments, taking into consideration that many fabrics degrade when washed in water. Let’s take a look at the most… Read more

Why Use a Mobile Laundry Service | My Butler Service
Posted 16 Aug by

Why Use a Mobile Laundry Service

While people become busier with diverse activities and work commitments, relationships, or hobbies, the time we spend doing house chores is more limited. And who wants to spend a couple of hours during the weekend doing their laundry? Or folding linens after a long day at work? This is why… Read more

Does Dry Cleaning Shrink Clothes? | My Butler Service
Posted 09 Jul by

Does Dry Cleaning Shrink Clothes?

Dry cleaning is a great way to preserve your favourite clothing. This process not only provides a superior clean, but preserves clothing for longer than conventional washing. But can dry cleaning shrink your clothes? The short answer is: It shouldn’t. Under normal circumstances, the process of dry cleaning won’t make… Read more

Does Dry Cleaning Remove Body Odour? | My Butler Service
Posted 07 Jul by

Does Dry Cleaning Remove Body Odour? 

There are a lot of reasons why we clean our clothes, not least of which is to avoid a body odour smell. Some people sweat more than others, and that smell can get trapped in clothing–especially dry clean only garments. Since we don’t wash this clothing every use, smells of… Read more